  • What Is Holocaust Denial? – Dangerous And Wrong

    During the years that the Nazi party was in power, they systematically murdered between five and six million people, most of them Jewish. While there are countless photos, testimonies, and records that prove the severity of the atrocities the Nazis are responsible for during the Holocaust, there is a growing number of people who claim that the Holocaust never occurred or that it is far overblown.
    What Is Holocaust Denial? – Dangerous And Wrong
  • Notable Holocaust Survivors – Important Names, Important People

    Despite their best efforts, the Nazi party failed in its quest to eliminate the Jewish population from the earth. Their atrocities were terrible and millions lost their lives due to their evil, while many millions more lost family members and suffered tremendous mental, emotional, and physical anguish. But the survivors were able to move on, to heal somewhat and return to their lives.
    Notable Holocaust Survivors – Important Names, Important People
  • Neo Nazis Today – A Growing Concern

    While most people think of the Nazi party as something that finally died out in the years following WWII, the fact is that in many cases Nazism is still alive and well. Known today as neo-Nazism, this movement is focused on reviving Nazism and bringing it back to power. It holds the same basic beliefs as the former Nazi party including nationalism, homophobia, racism, and anti-Semitism.
    Neo Nazis Today – A Growing Concern
  • Holocaust Solution – The Final, Terrible Plan

    Few events have been as terrible, horrifying, and disgusting as the Holocaust. This was the mass genocide of around six million Jewish people during the second world war and was part of the Nazi Party's efforts to wipe undesirables off the face of the planet. The process involved different steps, but the most heinous was known as 'The Final Solution'.
    Holocaust Solution – The Final, Terrible Plan
  • Neo Nazis Today

    While most people think of the Nazi party as something that finally died out in the years following WWII, the fact is that in many cases Nazism is still alive and well. Known today as neo-Nazism, this movement is focused on reviving Nazism and bringing it back to power. It holds the same basic beliefs as the former Nazi party including nationalism, homophobia, racism, and anti-Semitism.
    Neo Nazis Today