  • Interesting Insight about Fredrich Jecklen

    Some of the men who were involved in the Holocaust are well-known. Others aren’t as popular, but were still an integral part of the entire event. Fredrich Jecklen is of the latter group, and is an important person to know about. He was an SS-Obergruppenfuhrer, or a Senior Group Leader, the highest ranking Nazi official second only to the Reichsfuhrer. That position was held by Heinrich Himmler.
    Interesting Insight about Fredrich Jecklen
  • Who Was Adolf Eichmann?

    Adolf Eichmann was one of the main organizers of the Holocaust. He was very good at organizing things and he was reliable with his Nazi beliefs and ideals, which made him a perfect candidate for a leadership position. Heydrich charged him with the task of managing and facilitating the logistics of the Jewish deportation to ghettos and extermination camps. Put simply, he was in charge of creating a system to get rid of the Jews in Eastern Europe.
    Who Was Adolf Eichmann?
  • How Did the Holocaust Happen – The Events of the Holocaust

    When looking at the astonishing sights that the Allies found upon liberation of Nazi concentration camps, it's difficult to understand how something as horrific as the Holocaust could have come about. However, the Holocaust was something that grew very gradually. It began with a charismatic leader who was elected by the German people. With the belief that Hitler had their best interests in mind, many German citizens wholeheartedly supported Hitler's actions.
    How Did the Holocaust Happen – The Events of the Holocaust
  • Jew Holocaust – Escaping the Holocaust in Europe

    To be a Jew during the Holocaust was a very dangerous thing. Anyone with three or four Jewish parents was considered Jewish for the purposes of the Nazi regime. Whether or not the individual was a practicing Jew had no bearing on their treatment. Many individuals who had converted to Christianity were still persecuted as Jews simply because of their heritage.
    Jew Holocaust – Escaping the Holocaust in Europe
  • Films about the Holocaust – Understanding Holocaust Films

    There are many films about the Holocaust that will present this period of history from a variety of different angles. While there are a great deal of solid facts that back up what happened during the Holocaust, there are still some who deny that this event took place.
    Films about the Holocaust – Understanding Holocaust Films