
Hitler Propaganda

When it came to influencing the public, Hitler was definitely good at getting people to notice him and believe what he was saying. The Nazi ideology was incremental in helping Hitler gain power and for making the policy changes that were made without being questioned by the general public. This propaganda was used to maintain power, implement policies, and justify the extermination of millions of Jews and other 'inferiors' by Hitler and the Nazi party. The extreme use of this propaganda is a large part of why the word (propaganda) has such a negative connotation still today.
In his book Mein Kampf, Hitler actually spent two chapters exploring the world of propaganda and how it could fuel his rise to power, as well as the Nazi takeover of Germany. He argued that Germany lost World War I only because of British propaganda. Even though this wasn't true at all, his methods were much more advanced and he was able to establish it as the official truth in Nazi Germany as to why they lost the war. This publication also outlines the blueprint for propaganda by the Nazis. Hitler speaks of how it has to address the masses and create imagination while appealing to feelings in order to be effective.
The propaganda strategy is what actually led Hitler's rise to power, including the claim that they needed to establish their enemies and exterminate them in some form. This included external enemies from World War I as well as internal 'enemies' like the Jews, homosexuals, Romani, and others who were deemed 'inferior' according to the Nazi ideology. Jews were blamed for things like being successful and taking work away from the Germans while avoiding physical labor and other claims that were all but preposterous. Still, spoken well and often enough by Hitler and his men, people began to believe these things.
The goal was to build a strong army, take over enemy countries, and exterminate the internal enemies. The propaganda used was designed to play to these things and create a 'reason' for Germany to do what it would go on to do in World War II. One example is seen in the False Flag project, which was designed to show that there was Polish opposition against Germany, thereby justifying the invasion of Poland that actually started the Second World War. Hitler and his men were quite well-studied in the art of propaganda and used it to create one of the most tragic and memorable events in world history.