
Hitler and the Jews

Hitler and the Jews were like oil and water. Due to his Nazi ideology, which was founded in fascism and anti-Semitism, Hitler saw the Jews as less than human. He believed them to be an internal enemy of Germany and a racial issue that needed to be resolved in order to create his Master Race. This was part of the Nazi belief that Aryans were the superior race and that they should perform a cleansing based on race, religion, sex, gender, and other elements to get rid of those who were an impediment to the Nazi goals in society.
Historical records indicate that Hitler's Nazi ideology and rise to power stemmed from his discontentment with the ending of World War I, in which Germany surrendered. He felt this to be a crime against the country by its leaders. His goal was to enter politics at some point, and he started by joining the German Workers Party in 1919. He became the leader of this party, renaming it the Nazi Party, and continued on his rise to power. A coup was staged, but that failed and resulted with Hitler serving 9 months in prison. After this, he determined that he would enter politics legally and properly.
Hitler used propaganda to build the following for the Nazi Party and his own rise to political power. Through his speeches, he convinced many followers that Jews were part of the problem to the success of Germany as a world power. He created a plan, called the Final Solution, and once he was elected to office, the plan was implemented. It started with simple discrimination and stripping Jews of their rights as humans. In no time, they were living in ghettos and being starved, forced out of their homes and businesses.
As Germany began to invade other countries, organization of the Holocaust improved and camps were built for all of the prisoners of war and inferiors that were captured. Jews and other inferiors were sent to labor camps, transit camps, and extermination camps throughout Germany and other countries in Europe that Germany had taken over. They were forced to live in squalor, being starved, tortured, and often used for medical experimentation by Nazi doctors. As a result of Hitler's reign and the Nazi power over Germany, more than 6 million Jews were killed from 1933 to 1945, when the Allied powers finally invaded Germany. Adolf Hitler followed the Nazi ideology of death before dishonor, which prompted him to commit suicide on April 30, 1945 rather than admit defeat and risk capture.