
Who were the Nazis?

The Nazis were the force behind the start of World War II and responsible for the Holocaust, according to history. These people got their start in the early 1900s as they took fascist and anti-Semitic principles and ideals and developed a belief that there was a need for a Master Race, which included Aryan superiority and an ethnic cleansing of anyone who did not measure up to their ideology. The beginning of their existence was mostly a series of meetings and small efforts to gain power, with no real notable events. When Adolf Hitler took control of the German Workers Party in 1920, however, everything changed.
Hitler had a very dominating presence and knew how to make people listen to him. After re-naming the party to the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi Party, in short), he started pushing to overthrow the German government and the Nazis staged a coup a few years later. This resulted in Hitler being sent to prison for treason and other crimes, but he only served 9 months. Upon release, Adolf Hitler vowed to use his position of authority and public speaking skills to gain a following and rise to political power the right way.
The Nazis were described as 'far-right' in terms of their political agenda because of their belief in racial superiority and the purging of people who were deemed inferior. They believed in discrimination and extermination of anyone 'less than' based on racial, ethnic, sex and gender, religion, and political standards, among other things. If they did not meet the ideal Master Race, people were considered to be inferior and their basic human rights and place in society were stripped from them, beginning in 1933 when Hitler was named chancellor of Germany.
Nazis believed in socialism, but not in the sense that the underprivileged and oppressed deserved equal rights. Their socialist views included equal opportunity for the 'racially pure' Aryan males of the society, as believed to be the superior race according to their ideology. National socialism was the goal, under a totalitarian government that would make a strong society for the Master Race while eliminating anyone who did not fit into their ideal. The Nazis were largely disbanded in 1945 with the demise of Adolf Hitler and most of his leading men, but there are still people who exist today that follow this movement and believe that there truly is a need for Aryan supremacy and view Hitler as a martyr rather than a monster.